Recalling Beer Makes Baby Jesus Sad

September 27, 2022

Important information for our customers regarding The Last Supper

As you are aware, Emmanuales has ceased production for various reasons, which I announced in March.

I was hoping to celebrate and mark the occasion with the release of one, final beer: The Last Supper.

Having returned from SIBA Beer X in March armed with a handful of free Cyro hops, I set about brewing a DIPA at the start of April. The taste and aroma and colour coming out of the fermenter was gorgeous to say the least; I’d really saved the best until last.

However, due to circumstances beyond my control, bottling The Last Supper was delayed for over 6 weeks, which has had a greater negative impact on the beer than I’d imagined.

DIPAs are meant to be served fresh, ideally within a couple of weeks of being brewing, to retain their intense aroma and citrus flavours. Unfortunately, such a delay has proven costly to both the beer itself and to the Emmanuales brand, with some extremely negative reviews doing the rounds on social media.

Having always prided myself on brewing excellent beers, I feel frustrated that our final offering is sub-par; not just in flavour but inadequate carbonation levels, some levels of dissolved oxygen leading to discolouring, and excessive hop sediment due to lack of proper filtration.

Breweries like Cloudwater make brewing DIPAs look easy, but it’s only when brewing and packaging one for yourself that you truly appreciate the skill needed to deliver a product that matches customers high exceptions for this style of beer.

Therefore, I have come to the difficult, yet necessary, decision to announce a recall on The Last Supper.

Not only do I want Emmanuales to be remembered for producing great beers, but more so for acting with integrity to our craft beer devotees and customers.

With a heavy heart, I can only apologise for any inconvenience this may have caused.

What to do if you’re a customer who has  purchased a bottle of The Last Supper:

~ Unopened Bottles ~

Unopened bottles can be returned to their point of purchase at your discretion (see below) for a refund from the place at which it was purchased.

~ Opened Bottles ~

Dissatisfied customers who have opened a bottle of The Last Supper to find the qualities as mentioned above need to contact us directly further instruction.

Please note, the beer itself is safe to drink and the packaging uncompromised.

Just to emphasise to our customers, the beer is safe to drink should you wish to hold onto it and consume it.  This is not a food hygiene or health and safety issue: we are committed to high quality beer and there is evidence to suggest of too much variation within the batch to warrent taking the risk of any more bad reviews via social media or complaints to our trade customers.

Please note, should you choose to retain the beer for personal consumption having read this post, don’t say you haven’t been warned!

In the interests of the good reputation we’ve built for Emmanuales over the last few years (especially in light of putting it on hiatus), I kindly request that you refrain from posting anything on social media about the beer.  We are aware of the situation and technical errors within the batch.

Finally, to all our customers over the years who have supported us, I want to say a heartfelt thank you once again. The encouragement I’ve received from people saying how sad they’ll be to see Emmanuales go, how much they enjoyed the beers and the puns (‘By The Rivers Of Rhubarbaylon’ was a stretch, wasn’t it?!) has been overwhelming.

Thank you. Resurrection Day is coming. Keep the faith.

Nick Law

Balding, Brewing, Modern Monk

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Hop Forward Ltd T/A Emmanuales
70 Cromwell Street, Sheffield,
S6 3RN
Phone enquiries (9am—4pm):
+44 7881 995 604
AWRS: XSAW 000 0011 2474

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