Having started as a budding home-brewer in 2014, Nick Law can only be described as a brewing, balding, modern monk.
Taking his passion for craft beer, creativity, and the Christian faith, Emmanuales was born out of a desire to play a part in the great tradition and heritage of hospitality and brewing.
From the Trappist Monks and ale-loving reformer Martin Luther, to Ireland’s favourite son, Arthur Guinness, and the Brothers of Tynt Meadow, Nick is just one of many faith-filled followers seeking God in the art of brewing and science of fermentation.
After obtaining a license to turn his cellar into a small-scale commercial brewery in 2015, it became quickly apparent due to popular demand that the business needed to upscale.
Moving in with
The Sheffield Brewery Company later that year, Emmanuales started brewing using the brewery’s pilot kit. Soon after, Nick assumed the role at The Sheffield Brewery Company as the Head Brewer.
By January 2018, was apparent to Nick that he could no longer support both Emmanuales and The Sheffield Brewery Company simultaneously and decided to put Emmanuales on hiatus whilst he figured out what to do next.
Stepping away from The Sheffield Brewery Company, Nick sought to help brewers through the many skills in branding, marketing and business he has acquired over the years and set up consultancy and agency,
Hop Forward.
However, during Lockdown, Nick felt it was time to resurrect Emmanuales and set up a fully functioning nano-brewery in his cellar, where Emmanuales resides today.