From ex (“out”) + spectō (“to look at”), frequentative of speciō (“to see”)/ verb.
To wait for, to expect
pəˈruːzɪə/ noun: Parousia; plural noun: Parousias
Greek, literally ‘being present’; another term for Second Coming.
Well, today was my last day working for The Sheffield Brewery Company. I first collaborated with the brewery back in 2015 as my fledgling home brewery was taking off and I needed a place to upscale production. The 100L pilot kit – a hand-me-down from the University of Sheffield – I first created beers such as As the Deer Pants for Porter and Oh Hoppy Day on set fire no less than three times over the several months. I thought it could be wrestled it into submission, but there was only one of us tapping-out and it wasn’t that old girl!
Such ‘adventures’ seemed a-typical of the brewery at the time. It felt as if everything was seemingly held up by pieces of string or stuck together with gaffer tape. There were days when I didn’t think it could get any worse, only to find something break at a critical point in the process. I’d find myself literally on my knees praying to keep it all going on more occasions than I care to remember.
Yet, somehow – by the sheer grace of God – over time, I managed to yield and bend the brewery into shape to where I wanted it and it is today.
I’ve laughed in this place, shared drinks and stories with strangers, made life-long friends here, shed tears late at night, uttered more obscenities than Father Jack, and learned more about beer, brewing, business and my beliefs whilst working here than I could ever have imagined I would when I worked within the four walls of a church.
I’m definitely ready for a new challenge. But there’s a small part of me that is going to miss the drama of running a brewery as a full time endeavour.
I love the beer industry – the stories it tells, the kind of people it produces, the creativity and ingenuity it harnesses. I feel like I have become part of it and it has become part of me.
I’ve definitely achieved that for which I came here to do: to grow the business, develop the brand, and make some great beers. And I’m incredibly thankful to The Sheffield Brewery Company for giving me the opportunity and a way into an industry that doesn’t favour new entrants lightly.
But deep down I came to make ‘Beer for Jesus’, as me and Claire called it… and that feeling doesn’t simply go away.
I always said there would be a resurrection of Emmanuales.
And indeed there will be.
But for now, we wait…
Emmanuales will be going silent for a while. No social media, no blog updates, not toasting check-ins on Untappd. Just… silence.
And in that silence, I shall be praying. As Proverbs 16:3 says,
‘Commit to the LORD whatever you do, and he will establish your plans’
Whatever comes next for Emmanuales will be ushered in when the time is right, and it will come like a thief in the night. And when you see it, you shall know that it has come and Resurrection Day has come.
And you will taste and see and know that it is good!
‘Look to my coming, at first light, on the fifth day. At dawn, look to the East’
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